Sunday, April 24, 2011

3 Reasons to Reconsider Extra-Marital Affairs

If you're one of those people who needs some adventure OUTSIDE of your marriage, considers these things.

  1. Some years ago a study made the headlines of most of the low life British tabloids. Graham Jackson who is a well-known British cardiologist claimed that 75 per cent of people who die during sexual intercourse are having an extra-marital affair. Dr. Jackson also said that people in a long term relationship are much less likely to die during sex. It was not the act of sexual intercourse but the strain of “cheating” on one’s spouse that was responsible for the heart to stop ticking. - Talk about what's done in the dark coming out in the light!!! I hope it's not just me but Hubby if you find yourself dead in someone else's coochie, you'll be a cremated ass.  I'll help you get the jump on burning in Hell. lol but maybe true.
  2. For many women around the world, their greatest risk of HIV infection comes from having sex with the very person with whom they are supposed to have sex: their spouse. This is a touchy subject for men and women alike.  But truth is infidelity is driving up the HIV rate among married couples.  Research has shown that married couples are far less likely to use couple in their relationships and when either of them engages in an extra-marital affair, they are more likely than not to do so without a condom.  And that puts everyone at risk for increased transmission of HIV and STDs.  
  3. Increased risk of cervical cancer for women who have extra-marital affairs. Studies didn't say why they think this risk exists. I just wonder who takes care of the woman while she's sick, her husband or her lover.

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